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7 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How to Effectively Polish BMW Jet Black Paint?

  1. Mo says:

    Aaron, thanks for the write up. Have you had an experience with Blackfire Wet Diamond? If so, how does it compare to the new Menzerna sealant and CG Jetseal 109?

    • Mo,

      You’re very welcome! I have personally yet to try Menzerna Power Lock, but here’s what I gather:

      Blackfire Wet Diamond and Menzerna Power Lock are very, very similar in looks and durability. But I have read, and been told, by a lot of Pro’s out there that it’s a bit easier to use than the Blackfire.

      Jetseal 109 used to be my go-to sealant. Nothing, in terms of sealants, is easier to use than this (in my experiences). However, the look isn’t quite as good as the Blackfire (or Power Lock).

      So I guess it’d be easy to say to go with Power Lock–as it gets the looks of Blackfire and the ease of use of Jetseal!

  2. Brian says:

    Aaron, I can’t properly express my thanks for your advice. It is very much appreciated. I will follow your advice — though I will first use the products I have, which are also quite good, I’m sure. I do have the Power-Lock. Your willingness to take the time from a busy schedule to provide advice to amateurs like me gives me a very good feeling about the professionalism of those in the detailing business. We’ll see how I do — I like to work on my cars myself because that way I get to know all the foibles of the finish, and of course there’s the satisfaction of a job well done.

    I’m glad to learn that the buffer I purchased is kind to amateurs. That is especially important since I am 73 and I don’t have quite the physical abilities I once had. I learned that when pitching baseballs to my Son a few years ago — couldn’t understand why my arm died so quickly!

    I will look into having the chips airbrushed professionally. Then, I will consider the clear bra, just to keep that from happening again. I’ll let you know how I make out when the weather and time allow me to tackle the polishing job .

    Thanks again. You are a true pro.

  3. pasquale says:

    hey what kind of rims are those?

  4. Aaron Baumann says:

    So I was just reading your article as I will be painting a brand new fender for my E39 540i Jet black, and I discovered that we share the exact same name. This is quite possibly the oddest coincidence I have run into in quite some time.

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