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5 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How to Maintain my Car After a Detail?

  1. Jason says:


    Thanks for a great write-up. In regards to the different sealants, which ones last the 3-4 month range and which are the longer, 6+ lasting ones? I know their durability depends greatly on environmentals but I was looking for rule of thumb/ballpark estimates.



  2. Eric says:

    Hey Jason,

    Blackfire wet diamond will last anywhere from 4-6 months
    Poorboys EX will last about 4 months
    meguiars 21 sealant will last about 3-4 months

    Those are the ones I have personally used in the past! of course, DI sells them all!


    • Albert says:

      Hi Eric,
      I’ve been sealing every 4 or 5 months, then waxing monthly; and my silver 328i looks great all of the time. I wash my car weekly with ONR and dry the car using CG Synthetic Quick Detailer.

      After monthly waxings with P21S, I’ve started using Meguiars Ultimate Quick Wax after every wash, as a gloss booster to enhance the P21S.

      Do you see any problem with this? Could the Meguiars QW diminish the protection of P21S? Any other potential ill side-effects? Thanks Eric. -Albert

  3. Eric says:

    Hey Albert,

    Good job keeping up on the car maintenance! “A clean car drives better!”

    First off, make sure you are stripping the old protection off the car before sealing it every 4-5 months. That will ensure you have a strong bond between the paint and the sealant.

    In regards to “overwaxing,” you could be doing too much. You can get negative returns by waxing too much as the looks will start to become muted. Instead of bright and crisp reflections, you could end up with dull, yet still glossy reflections by laying on too many coats of wax. l would skip the megs quick wax after every wash, and actually not use a QD after every wax application (right away that is). Instead, use some distilled water to clean up the car after a fresh coat of wax to remove any streaking, hazing, etc. Then, after the washings, use the quick detailer to boost the gloss to the freshly waxed car. Reason behind this is that you are overloading the paint with oils…part of the reason for any streaking that occurs.

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