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8 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How to get rid of pesky pet hair?

  1. Dave P. says:

    you can actually use different forms of pumice snones. I currently use 3 different kinds, one being synthetic. Definitly something to look into. It isn’t the best for delicate fabrics, but i now have one that works fairly well. It is by far the best way IMO but under circumstances other methods hafta be used as well

  2. Dave R. says:

    you can also try using a latex glove. picks up hair quickly.

  3. Danny R. says:

    Well if the vehicle that your detailing is your own, stop letting the dogs and cats get in the vehicle problem solved. But for now get some latex gloves and rub your hands over the carpet and headliner.

  4. Sean Woodward (Apollo Detailing) says:

    When it comes down to heavy pet hair, the best advice I have is to use your crevice vacuum tool to remove corners, your wide tool to handle large areas. Once the quick removal is handled, it is actually easier to use a heavy bristle small brush and your fingertips to pull the offending hair into the crevice tooled vacuum. The latex glove routine is excellent along with picking out the remaining individually.

    Time it on a 1’x1′ square next time !

  5. Vivek says:

    Well… Nice article Aaron. I am not a detailer. Just got to this site while looking up ways to restore my antique motorcycle. For pet hair in my car, I usually use cello tape wrapped around my fingers with the sticky side outside and usually with slight dabs with my hand to the carpet, seats, etc most of the hair and other alien particles are picked up.

    But hey… In India you dont even have access to a tenth of the products listed on this site. So we have to make do with homebrew technologies 🙂

  6. Kevin says:

    I have two other ways to go as well.
    First off, Pledge just started selling a product called the Pledge Fabric Sweeper for pet hair. It doesn’t work for thick, still hairs that well, but for long, soft haired dog hair, it works amazing. I cleaned a majority of the hair out of the back seat and trunk area of a Volvo XC 90 in about 5 minutes. They retail for like $4-$5 and you get a coupon for $1 off your next one!!! I keep them in stock now since I charge extra for extensive dog hair and $4 to get the extra seems worth it to me.

    The other way to go if the dog hair is thick and bristly is to actually “shave” the upholstery. I would not recommend this technique for the carpet, but it works great on fabric seats where the hair is just embedded in it. Just get a few disposable razors and with EXTREMELY light pressure, run it up and down the seat. I know this sounds insane, but believe me, it works.

    • PA says:

      Metropolitan Vac n’ blo, nothing beats it. I have a blond labrador and a black interior, when he sheds, nothing beats the Vac

  7. Kevin Kellie says:

    Try using liquid fabric softner…I cut mine half with water in a spray bottle…this helps with the static cling from the hair..then I use the crevice tool and vac it up..

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