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3 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How-to Clean and Care for Billet AKA Mag Wheels?

  1. MrGolfrider says:

    I followed these sames steps basically on my moms HHR factory chrome wheels, it was amazing how well they turned out!

  2. Marc Harris says:

    That is great to hear! This process can be used for most wheels that are not “painted”, either colored or clear-coated. Chrome is (usually) a metal deposit process, making it a perfect candidate for metal polishing. Be careful, though, as modern chrome wheels are in many cases “Chrome Clad”, meaning the chrome coating is applied on a plastic cover that is placed on the wheel, similar to a non-removeable hubcap. In these instances, the chrome coating is very thin, and there is a risk of going through the chrome with intensive polishing or repeated use.

    Remember to use some wheel sealant on the wheels after polishing to keep them looking great as long as possible. Poorboy’s Wheel Sealant or Chemical Guys Metal Wax are both great products and easy to use.

  3. Great blog! Your post can be really useful for those who want to learn more about cleaning mag wheels

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