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10 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How do you avoid creating holograms when applying your finishing polish with a rotary?

  1. DJ Mayo says:

    Not a problem, glad I could help. Any further questions, submit.

    DJ Mayo

  2. the paint medic says:

    Great article DJ,
    I would appreciate your opinion on what polishes and the steps on correcting BMW jet black. Lets say its extreme damage involving wet sanding with 1500 or 1200 grit. Could you list the steps you would take.
    I value your thoughts

    Thank you,

  3. DJ Mayo says:


    What year is your JB BMW?

  4. switerajaya says:

    DJ Mayo-

    Is using some kind of ‘quick’ detailer to mist the ‘finishing’ pad is bad thing to do? I started to do that (mist the ‘finishing’ pad) recently, and i notice some light hologram.
    Since i haven’t got any hologram using the pad & product combo before on the very same paint, is misting the pad is the cause?

    PS: i’m using M205 & W9207


  5. switerajaya says:

    DJ Mayo-
    I’d like to ask something silly, but here it’s: what my consenquences if i don’t do IPA wipedown nor misting a quick detailer after doing some finishing polish? Currently i got something like very light hazing (uniform horizontal straight line pattern) that only can be noticed using xenon torch (in low lighting environment or dark) pointed at angles (if pointed directly to the panel, the paint looked crystal clear), but not direct under the sun (no hologram) or garage neon lighting. Just curious is it because of the absence IPA wipedown, or because of my poor technique? or because something else (the polish + pad, or the wax is sweating, etc)?

    working on light swirled car using M205 + W8207 followed with M205 + W9207 then LSP is 1 coat Meguiars NXT (1st version) + 2 coat Collinite Marque D’Elegance.


  6. switerajaya says:

    BTW, forgot to mention the car’s colour that i’ve worked above is Night (Dark) Blue. And previously i don’t notice if it’s there.

  7. Brad says:

    In prepping my new car for delivery, the dealer used a buffing machine that left holograms across the entire hood and front fenders (car is black and had a clear coat finish). Dealer said they’ll fix the problem but I’m concerned. How and can it be fixed and will the fix last? Will there be any dimished value to the car?

  8. Colin says:

    Great info on this site but i keep seeing references to a “DA” and i can’t find a definition. What is it? Is it the same thing as a random-orbit buffer?

  9. eric troupe says:

    Can the entire paint correction/polishing process be done
    with a rotary 9227c. It is all I have. Do I have to buy a da too?

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