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5 comments on Ask-A-Pro: Headlight Restoration using Porter Cable 7424XP and Menzerna

  1. Stelian says:

    Thank you very much Todd. I will send you pictures as soon as the job is done.

  2. Albert says:

    I’ve polished the headlights on an Acura MDX using Meguiars’ M105 & M205 and achieved great results. I learned that over time, the headlights will oxidize again, so it’s important to seal them (I use BFWD) whenever sealing/waxing the vehicle.

  3. Roselene says:

    What a very nice and insightful post! It’s a fact that msulce growth is highly dependent on what one is eating, what one is lifting, one’s genetics, and what one’s goal is (and you’ve got to have a well-defined goal or else you’d be chasing after your goal forever). In addition to that, one needs to have discipline and dedication to take it to the very end (attainment of the goal that one has set). It shouldn’t be a spur of the moment kind of thing. You need to follow through, just like in anything that you want to succeed in in life. And lastly, it’s all about making everything work together—working out without the proper diet won’t cut it, taking jar after jar of supplements won’t get you bulked up if you don’t pump iron. You need to make everything work together—the right workout program, a proper diet, supplements, and a healthy lifestyle.

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