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Ask-A-Pro: A Non-Sling Tire Dressing?


Dear Sirs:

I am currently using a DP Tire Gloss on my car tires.  It has a great shine and last for a long time, but as I drive, I notice that some of the gel is shooting on the side of my car and looks like oil discoloration.  Of course, it wipes off, but I would like to use something that gave me a great shine, lasts long and does not splatter on the car.   I never drive the car immediately after my applying the gel-  it is usually a day or 2 and it still does this.  Also, I do not apply liberally-  Just once over with a paint brush.

What do you suggest?


Dr. Brian Sherwood

PS–Of course- my car is black and shows everything!

Dr. Sherwood, I know your woes!

I have found that even water-based gel’s like you have sling quite a bit.  The answer: stay away from gels!  Like you said, even if you are letting the gel “cure” on the tire for hours, even days, at a time, it will still sling!

I would stick with a water-based spray tire dressing much like Optimum Tire Shine. Pair this tire dressing with an applicator pad such as the Lake Country Tire Dressing Applicator to help spread the tire dressing on evenly and thinly.

Use about 1-2 sprays per tire on the applicator pad, apply it to the tire, let it dry for about 30 minutes or so, and then buff with a throw-away microfiber or terry cloth to keep the sling down to zero.

I hope this helps a bit in the conquest towards shiny, sling free tires!

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to answer below


Aaron Baumann

8 comments on Ask-A-Pro: A Non-Sling Tire Dressing?

  1. I agree with aaron…

    stick with the water-based dressings. Lately, I have been using Meguiars hyper dressing mixed at 2:1 and really like the shine and the application.

    • Eric,

      Definitely! Meguiars Hyper Dressing is a very, very good product. I’ve gone through two gallons myself. I think, up front, the Optimum is just the right price for a weekend warrior, though!

  2. Mo says:

    The Megs Hyper Dressing is a good product, but very finicky. I dilutted 2-1, and out of a sprayer, it is very “watery”. I sprayed the tires and go around with an applicator and try to even it out as much as possible. However, once dry, this stuff did not sling off at all and lasted quite a while. Great product and excellent value.

  3. Joe says:

    Couldn’t agree more, OPT Tire Shine is the best. Bar none.

  4. Ray says:

    Hi Aaron,

    What product do you use to cleanse the tires before adding the dressing? Would you use a dedicated APC like Optimum Power Clean, Megs D103, or P21S TAW?

    Thanks sir!


  5. Aaron Baumann says:


    You got it! It’s definitely best to go with a dedicated APC

  6. Mike P. says: They make a great line of products!! The TIRE SHINE dries in like 10 seconds… zero chance of any sling effect. You can also use it on the wheels, dash and trim, no silicones or petroleums. Worth a try.

  7. I like Miracle Glaze for no sling

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