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8 comments on Ask-A-Pro: 2007 Infiniti G35 – Which Polish / Sealant / Wax & Pads?

  1. Mo says:

    Thanks for the write-up (even though I dont own an infiniti). I see more and more pros going to the 105/205 combo and i am definitely intrigued. Would you use this combo with a FLEX XC 3401 VRG? i am limited in the pad size i can use, but I love the power generated by this machine.

    • Hey Mo, thanks for the comment! You can definitely use the Flex DA. I have one, but it’s such a bear to use. I feel like it dusts a significant amount more than the PC–and when using M105 the dusting is bad enough! But, in short, yes–the Flex is a great machine, and a perfect candidate for the M105/205 combination.

  2. Tito says:

    Why do you recommend 2 different sizes? 2 5.5 inch pads and then 2 4 inch pads?

    • You’ll want the larger pads for the main surface areas of the car, and the small pads for the tight areas (bumpers, A-pillars, mirrors, etc).

      • Tito says:

        So I can use the 5.5 inch pads on a 4 inch backing plate?

        • Aaron Baumann says:

          I would not recommend it. You want to have the backing plate covering all of the back of the pad, save for an 1/8 inch or so. The reason being, the more backing plate on the pad, the more even the pressure is across the entire bad–providing more uniform and consistent results.

    • Aaron Baumann says:

      Yep! As Todd mentioned, it’s always good to keep at least two different pad sizes to get to the tighter areas of the car. As much as I love modern design–they car designers are making it very difficult to keep all the swirls out!

  3. Michael Hudson says:

    Hello all
    I know this is an older post but I now own a obsidian black 2015 Q50s and was wondering if the combo you speak about here would be the same as using a PC 7424 with chemical guys v36 with a blue hexlogic pad then v38 with black microfiber pad next, blacklight hybrid on a red hex logic let cure remove with a Microfiber towel and lastly BLACK – Luminous Glow Infusion wax applied by hand.

    Thank you in advance

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