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A New Home for Esoteric Auto Detail – New Albany, Ohio!


For the regular readers of the DI Ask A Pro Blog, you have most likely noticed an absence of articles from me in the past month or so. The reason for that is because I have been so busy with a move into a brand new facility, a trip to Cavallino down in Palm Beach, and an epic 11-car (8 Ferrari) detailing trip down in Naples with my buddy DJ Mayo, that I simply haven’t had the time to do any writing. I apologize for this, and hopefully the article below will help to shed some light on what I have been up to, and what I have planned for what’s turning out to be a very exciting year in 2012.

For Immediate Release:

The New Year has brought some exciting changes for Esoteric Auto Detail…a move to a state of the art facility located in New Albany, Ohio (east side suburb of Columbus).

In staying with the tradition of a shared facility / services, I will be operating my business out of Studio 47, an independent Ferrari / Lamborghini / Maserati service, maintenance and restoration specialist. The shop is owned by Craig Reed, who also starred in my popular F40 article.

Once the setup is completed, Esoteric Auto Detail will have the most advanced and high tech detailing facility in the Midwest (and arguably one of the tops in the entire country), and we will be able to offer an even more comprehensive list of services…and not just for exotics (although Ferrari will remain my specialty). My goal is to build a facility and business model that will be capable of providing high quality basic detailing right alongside highline restorative detailing and concours preparation.

In addition to a wider range of detailing, I will (finally) establish an advanced detailing school where existing professional detailers will learn the latest techniques, technologies, and products to achieve the finest finishes possible. I am currently contacting people who have requested training in the past, and will be starting classes very soon.

Esoteric Auto Detail’s stunning new headquarters will regularly welcome clients, detailers, and detailing industry VIP’s from around the globe, and will also host a variety of events starting in the near future.

I’m very excited about the changes, and the evolution that my business is currently experiencing, and I look forward to sharing the progress with everybody.

Images from inside the new home of Esoteric Auto Detail.

Within the detailing studio

Yours truly preparing a 1971 Ferrari Daytona for the prestigious Cavallino Classic

Open office area / lounge

CXC Motion Pro II Racing Simulator!

Fiat 500 short-term loaner car and official product-testing vehicle!

The Crew! From left to right…Craig Reed, Director of Studio 47. Bonnie West who does a little bit of everything for both companies and will be the pleasant voice on the other end of the phone when you call Esoteric. And yours truly.

Please help to spread the word by sharing this exciting announcement with your favorite car club, on your favorite forums, or on social media.

Esoteric Auto Detail
9801 Karmar Ct.
New Albany, Ohio 43054
Todd Cooperider Esoteric Auto Detail
Todd Cooperider
Esoteric Auto Detail
Columbus, Ohio

32 comments on A New Home for Esoteric Auto Detail – New Albany, Ohio!

  1. Tim says:

    Congrats and great work Todd! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Esoteric 🙂

  2. Tim says:

    Nice digs Todd! Reminds me of a visit to Maranello, trees bright light, clean. Gonna be some cool write-ups coming from there! Looks like the move from Motorcycles to detailing was a good move! Always easier to wake and go to work doing what you love! Simulator for customers is unbelievable! I bet there will no complaints for waiting! Heck can I come up just to play in the waiting room!! LOL Seriously Congrats Todd!

    • Thanks Tim! With all of the amenities, it definitely provides a great environment and it doesn’t feel like going to “work”. Once I get some additions and modifications made inside the place, it will definitely make for some great photos. And the race simulator…that thing is sick!

  3. Jamie says:

    Congrats on your accomplishments and your new detailing home. I have been reading your articles and blogs for quite some time now, you are an inspiration. I would love to be on ( i’m sure long) list to come train in your new facility. Again congratulations on your new home.

  4. Ryanhu says:

    Congrats and a great place Todd! I read your articles with car detaling, it is so amazing so far. Alrough, I am in Taiwan right now, but if I will available I really want to sharing car detailing and visiting you. Again congratulations on your new factory.

  5. John says:

    Simply amazing. I’d like to be on the mailing list for detailing school classes.

  6. Paul says:

    Hi todd,
    First things first Congrats on your new shop! Your absence was noticed, I’ve followed your articles for a while now, and I always have the opportunity to learn something new and enjoy the beautiful photos. Please include me on the list for your specialty training school,I would love to have the opportunity to learn from the best. Thanks!

    • Hi Paul. Thanks for the comments, and hopefully things will settle down for me soon so that I can dedicate some more time for writing. This week has been nothing but website redesign, which will have information about the detailing school. Stay tuned!

  7. Hamza says:

    New facility looks amazing Todd, I will definitely enjoy driving there when you open up for training

  8. Ivan Rajic says:

    Once again Todd, very very proud of and happy for you buddy! I’m sure you’ll enjoy the new place and so will all your clients. I know I’ll be one of the students when you start the school as I’m sure I have a few things to learn from the master. All the best!

  9. Tomato says:

    Congrats Amigo and wishing you the best of 2012. Discovered this site not to long ago but quickly got hooked to it. Really appeciate your posts as I’ve learned a lot from you.

    From DFW

  10. Tim says:

    I have been to this facility and Todd’s amazing photos don’t even come close to describing this detailers heaven. Good Luck Todd.

  11. ROB says:


  12. Rick says:

    Great pictures, I’ve followed your comments that you do for Detailed Image, and have used products that you have recommended. I’m not a true professional, but would like to be able to learn new technique and know about new products. so keep on your list for upcoming classes. Thanks

  13. James says:

    Awesome stuff Todd. Very nice looking place. I am so jealous of the new race simulation machine.

  14. Manickam says:

    Great Todd, Congrats for the new Place.

  15. Justin says:

    Congrats on the new place Todd. Naples is down in my neck of the woods, and there is definitely a lack of quality detailers in this area. If I didn’t enjoy detailing as a hobby I would think of investing more effort into opening a business.

  16. Brian says:

    Todd — I just want to wish you every success in your new surroundings, and in the new exciting direction you are taking your Firm. Though most of us are hundreds or even a thousand miles or so from your location, and may never get the opportunity to drop by, you remain on our radar as one of the top professionals in this field in the Country, if not the world. We look forward to your continued success and extremely helpful advice and I think I can speak for everyone in saying that we appreciate immensely your willingness to share your ‘over the top’ knowledge with us.

  17. Stephen Underwood says:

    Hey Todd,

    It’s “SweetJazz” from Acurazine wishing you the best of success with your new surroundings. I hope all is well with you and your family. If I ever get a chance to drive back to Dayton (birthplace) I will surely look you up for a detail on my own car. Take Care.

    Stephen Underwood

    • Hey Stephen, how have you been? Yes, things are quite well on this end thank you. I’m only an hour and a half away from Dayton, so if you make it out this way definitely get in touch.

  18. Ron Ayotte says:

    Your new facility is absolutely gorgeous!

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