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Projects | 2014 McLaren 650S | Full Body Clear Bra | 22ple Mistico Elemento Coating


We were contacted by the owner of this beautiful McLaren 650S to wrap his entire car in paint protection film (clear bra) and top all the film in 22ple‘s exclusive Mistico Elemento glass coat for years of protection and shine.

Once the vehicle was in the studio we started off my giving it a wash using the 2×2 bucket method and Chemical Guys Citrus Wash to cleanse the surface. We followed up with an Iron X application and clayed the pearl white paint with a Nano Skin Wash Mitt and Iron X Snow Foam as lubrication. Since it was a white vehicle and had made the trip up from Florida, there were some heavy tar and iron deposits on the lower parts of the car under the rockers that needed to be taken care of using Tarminator and a damp microfiber towel.  Once the wash was completed we dried it with a Waffle Weave Drying Towel and the Metro Master Baster Revolution.

We removed a few pieces including the rear wing to allow for a more seamless film installation. The entire vehicle was then covered in self healing paint protection film and topped with one layer of 22ple Mistico Elemento. Mistico is a truly amazing coating that has blown my mind, utilizing the next generation in silica technology and delivering 5 years of unrivaled protection and gloss. It really has raised the bar!

We let the coating sit on the film for 10 minutes before wiping off with 16×16 CarPro Suede Towels.

The wheel faces and calipers were coated as well with two coats of 22ple VM1 Rim and Metal Coating topped with 22ple VX3 Glass Coating and finished with 22ple VS1 Final Coat


After we finished applying the base layer of Mistico, we decided to layer it with 22ple VX3 Glass Coat for additional thickness and gloss. We then heated each panel with our IR heat lamp to accelerate the curing process. After the coating finished curing we applied four layers of 22ple VS1 Final Coat to amplify the gloss and create a super slick hydrophobic surface.


Final Shots:

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James Melfi
Holliston, MA
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10 comments on Projects | 2014 McLaren 650S | Full Body Clear Bra | 22ple Mistico Elemento Coating

  1. Steve K. says:

    C’money James you can tell us, that’s your car! Fantastic work sir! In the first final shot, it looks like the car is smiling.
    It is amazing how many layers of protection you applied to the car. I wish I could see it in person.
    Thank you for taking the time to share your work.

  2. Steve K. says:

    Sorry…darn auto correct. I meant Come on.

  3. Liam says:

    Absolutely stunning work, that has to be one of the best protected 650S’ out there! I couldn’t agree more with you about Mistico, truly an exceptional product in every sense (with VS1 a close second). Were there any noticeable benefits to topping Mistico with VS3 or was it done purely for the increased thickness?

  4. Yar M says:

    Love the work you did. Which self healing paint protection film did you use? Do you find that different brands are better for different jobs?

    • james melfi says:

      On this particular vehicle we used Xpel Ultimate, but offer a few different lines including Premium Shield, which is one of our favorites. In some cases different types of film, weather it be top coated or just a standard film can be easier to work with on certain vehicles. It’s mostly down to a quality installer who has experience working with a variety of films that creates a quality installation.

  5. You guys killed it, James! Nice work!

  6. Myles says:

    How long did you wait to apply 2nd coat of vx3 after infared curing?

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