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3M Precision Masking Tape Reviews

67% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 6 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
We use this often in during our paint correction process. This sticks well leave very little residue and comes of easily when you're ready to remove. It's great on more delicate surfaces or when masking areas on vehicles prone to having poor paint adhesion. Better than "burning" your normal 3M green masking tape in our opinion.
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Would they buy this item again? No
The description and reviews led me to believe that this was a flexible vinyl fine line tape. That is not the case it has no stretch and very little conformability. I was looking for a tape to do complex curves and this is not it.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Absolutely terrible product. Left adhesive all over the darn place with just accidentally touching the surface. Not recommended. Maybe I got a bad roll but regardless its a total waste of money. Regular blue painters tape worked better.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The best tape on the market. Very easy to use and is very flexible and durable. Having both sizes is key, but this is my favorite tape for doing corrections and headlight restorations. For headlight restorations you need a tape that is flexible and easy to conform to the angles and curves of a headlight. Look no further, this is the tape you need. Very easy to remove and no issues with residue after removal.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This tape is super high quality. Its got good adhesion but doesnt leave residue behind. Nor does it bleed off residue if bumped with a machine polisher. I highly suggest you give it a try if your used to the traditional painters tape that detailers have been using for the last however many years.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great adhesion but doesn't "pull" on delicate trim like the window seals on 996/997's. Flexible enough to stretch and hold to moderate contours. Doesn't seem to roll its edges like the paper-type masking tapes when you run against it with a DA.

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