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Product Review: P21S Deluxe Wax Applicator


The P21S Deluxe Wax Applicator is the best wax applicator I have tried in many years of detailing and testing products.

“The P21S Deluxe Applicator 2 Pack provides you with two premium foam applicators for the application of any polish, glaze, sealant, wax, etc. Using a clean and soft foam applicator is critical for the application of any product. The foam based material that actually touches your paint is extremely soft and delicate so you can be sure it’s safe on any clear coated or painted surface. This applicator is contoured so you can grip it securely with ease. It carefully spreads any product thin and even for optimal results. This German engineered product is an excellent selection for any detailer.”

When the package arrives, we get a nicely packaged pair of applicator pads in a sealed bag.  Once we open up the package and see what’s really in there, we’re greeted with an applicator pad that looks good and fits nicely in your hands.

One reason I like this applicator is the overall design.  It’s extremely well done both aesthetically and ergonomically.  It fits perfectly in the hand, even for someone like myself with larger hands, and it looks good doing it.  As you can see in the photo below, the applicator fits perfectly in the P21S 100% Carnauba Wax container…

The P21S Deluxe Wax Applicator fits just as well in the P21S Concours Carnauba Wax container.  In addition, I use this applicator regularly with Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax and I’ve tried it with a few Dodo Juice waxes as well.  In short, the applicator can be easily used with pretty much any standard sized container out there, whether it’s made by P21S or another manufacturer.  Obviously it also works great with larger containers.

The main reason I like this applicator so much is the actual performance of it.  As it says in the product description, the foam material is extremely soft and delicate, making it safe on any paint finish.  Knowing it’s safe is a huge plus because it’s critical that no swirl marks or marring are caused by the applicator, especially when it comes to the last step of the detail, the waxing process.  In addition to the safety factor, the foam on this applicator is able to contain quite a bit of wax.  This is good, in my opinion at least, because after applying wax to a few panels on a vehicle, you can simply push the applicator pad against the paint to squeeze out a bit of wax and continue with the application.  This way you don’t need to go back to the container as much as with another applicator, yet you can still apply just the perfect amount of wax on the paint.  Speaking of the perfect amount of wax, the P21S applicator spreads the wax onto the paint thin and even, resulting in complete coverage and easy removal.

Lastly, this applicator is great for its versatility.  As noted in the description above, in addition to being a great wax applicator, it’s a great tool to polish tight areas on a vehicle, such as under side mirrors, inside bumper openings and inside the license plate area.  I use it regularly on such areas when trying to remove the scuff marks to which I can’t get with a polisher and with it’s soft foam, it makes it a great tool to use finishing polishes by hand without causing any additional marring.  It’s very easy to hold, which makes it that much better of a tool.

At the end of the day, P21S Deluxe Wax Applicator is an applicator I believe anyone should have and utilize.  It’s great in so many ways that any alternative doesn’t compare and I’d highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Thanks for reading!

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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10 comments on Product Review: P21S Deluxe Wax Applicator

  1. kyle says:

    i was trying to find out are they reusable? Those pads look like they will fit perfectly in my black fire midnight sun wax.

    • Ivan Rajic says:


      This applicator can usually be used for a very long time before requiring any cleaning, but yes it’s reusable. I typically drop one before replacing it so I can’t say I’ve ever replaced a pad simply because it ripped or became unusable, but they do last a long time if used only for waxing.

  2. kyle says:

    So this may seem like a dumb question but i thought you had to wash your pads after every use. Is there an exception for wax pads.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Forgive me when you mentioned wax I was thinking only using it as a wax applicator. In that case, you don’t need to wash them after every use, rather I’d recommend simply wiping off some wax from the pad with a microfiber towel after you’re done waxing. This way the wax doesn’t dry up for next use. I usually wash my wax applicators every 5+ waxing jobs. When using it as a polishing pad, I wash it every time just as I do my foam polishing pads used by machine. Hope that clears it up.

  3. Mark says:

    Dear Ivan:

    I have been curious about these applicators for a while now. I’ve been using the supplied in the jar P21s grey foam applicator pad for a long time time now, and as others have noted, it can get pretty tiring for the hands. Glad to hear that you recommend these new ones. But here’s the most basic of questions: which side (color) of the pad fits in the jar and is applied to the paint? I see in the photo that you’re using the yellow pad. Do the instructions dictate that side be used? I note that the other color looks dark grey, much like the original P21s applicator pad. As I can’t differentiate pad texture from the photo, could you set us straight on this?

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Hi Mark,

      Sorry for the confusion, I guess I should’ve taken some close up photos. The black/grey side is the “handle” if you will and the yellow part is the foam applicator side. In other words, you can’t use the grey side for applying wax, as shows in the photo above where the applicator sits in the jar.

      Hope that helps.

  4. Mark Rothschild says:


    I noticed that the link to P21s wax you provided was to the 100% Carnauba wax product with the silver grey lid, as compared to the original P21S wax with the classic blue lid. Do you have a preference and if so why? Pros and cons of either?

    I myself use the original wax, finding it extremely easy to apply and remove. Of course I am not a pro detailer, just an enthusiast, and don’t mind more frequent applications.

    • Ivan Rajic says:


      In short, I use the 100% wax regularly but don’t have a clear favorite between the 100% and the Concours. You are completely fine using the older/original wax as it’s a great wax and, more importantly, it works well for you.

      I have yet to test the two P21S waxes side by side, but after using the original for years on a somewhat regular basis and now using the 100%, I think the 100% is a BIT easier to apply and remove. I haven’t seen any noticeable difference in the look, but due to the contents the 100% should be slightly different.

      Hope that helps bud!

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