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BMW Motorcycle Detail


Professional Detailing Atlanta

As a professional detailer, it’s awesome when someone calls up and has a request for us to detail multiple vehicles. This time around we got two completely different beasts from the same guy. The owner’s priority was to have his track bike and bike hauler detailed during the same visit. We were delighted to work on such a beautiful motorcycle that truly needed it!

Difficult Bikes

Motorcycles have their own difficulties when being detailed. They have a lot of tight areas that tend to be covered in gnarly filth and many different materials throughout the bike requiring different products and processes. Even a seasoned professional detailer can spend countless hours detailing a motorcycle.

As with all of our detailing projects, our goal is to get fantastic results while using the least intrusive methods available. This project was a perfect fit for using our Vapor Systems VX 5000 Steam Cleaner in conjunction with products for cleaning, conditioning and protecting the variety of surfaces found on the BMW.

Getting The Sticky Stuff Off

The owner’s bike had multiple spots where double sided tape was used to mount his GoPro camera. To remove the double sided tape safely, we used 3M Adhesive Remover, Plastic Razor Blades and some microfiber towels. First step was using the Plastic Razor Blade along with some 3M Adhesive Remover. After the majority of the tape was off, the Adhesive Remover on a microfiber towel cleaned up the last fine bits on the part.

Junk on the tank:

BMW Motorcycle Detailing Atlanta


Motorcycle Detailing Atlanta

Deep Cleaning

All parts that could reasonably be removed were taken off prior to detailing:

Motorcycle Detailing Atlanta

For the metal surfaces, we were able to use our VX5000 and P21S Total Auto Wash to gain access and clean the grime found in tight crevices that are so abundant on motorcycles.

After removing tape and steaming:

Motorcycle Detailing Atlanta

Before the VX5000:

Motorcycle Detailing Atlanta

After the VX5000:

Motorcycle Detailing Atlanta

More deep cleaning on small motorcycle parts:

VX5000 detailing

VX5000 detailing

Protect it!

Sure, after a thorough cleaning, it looked okay. What we really needed though was better than new! To take it to the next level, we treated all non-painted vinyl surfaces with CarPro DLUX and the glossy painted surfaces with P21S 100% Carnauba. Wheels were waxed with Swissvax Autobahn.

DLUX in action:

Carpro DLux Detailing Atlanta

Professional Motorcycle Detailing Atlanta

Autobahn for the wheels:

Motorcycle Wheel Detailing Atlanta

P21S 100% Carnauba:

p21s 100% Carnauba Detailing Atlanta

All buttoned up, it looked amazing! This is our idea of professional motorcycle detailing with an eye for quality and safety. The owner picked it up and knew that his motorcycle was as clean as it was when it was brand new, far better protected and would be easier to maintain moving forward.

BMW Motorcycle Professional Detailing Atlanta

BMW Motorcycle Professional Detailing Atlanta

BMW Motorcycle Professional Detailing Atlanta

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Jean-Claude Corcoran
Jean-Claude Corcoran
Detailed Designs Auto Spa
Atlanta, GA

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